Indonesian Banking, Customer Satisfaction LevelAbstract
The development of the banking business in Indonesia has recently experienced ups and downs and has tended to decline, especially after the monetary crisis has been plagued since mid-1997, which has had an impact to date. Rivai and Veuthzal (2006: 11), state that almost all banks suffer from difficulties and experience problems due to this monetary crisis. Many banks were forced to liquidate, at least forced to take part in a sanitation or rescue program through recapitalization so that the bank's existence was temporarily saved. Unsatisfactory customers also contributed to the customer's mistrust of the banking system. Balton and Drew 1991; Oliva, Oliver and McMillan 1992 (Kelley and Turley, 2001: 162), state customer satisfaction is building a hidden with various indicators at the attribute level. In this study, the method we used was a questionnaire or questionnaire. The method we use to see employee satisfaction with bank services, with the aim of knowing the condition and service of the bank to customers. Very dissatisfied categories there are 0 of the 5 people options = 0%. The category is not satisfied there are 0 people from the option 5 people = 0%. The category is quite satisfied that there are 8 out of 5 options =1,6%, people. There are 31 satisfied categories of options 5 people =6,2% . Category Very satisfied there are 28 of the options 5 people = 5,6%.. Based on Table 2 above, out of 5 respondents, the bank employee service questionnaire as much as 6.2% was very satisfied, 5.6% were satisfied, and the remaining 1.6% were quite satisfied.
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