Instructions for authors
We're happy to offer these crucial instructions for submitting your research papers to ARC journals. You can your research paper through editorial, peer review, production, and publication house as quickly as possible by following the guidelines below. Authors from a variety of fields are encouraged to submit their research on their study of concentration irrelevant to the field upon which they are in.
Author’s role in submitting the article:
Authors are solely responsible for demonstrating their originality and uniqueness in their research papers and the selection of reference journals on the specific topics in their field of study, should be pertinent to their area of interest, and the methodologies used to arrive at their conclusions should be widely accepted. Submissions are evaluated for publication based on their significance, with the assumption that they have not been published before and are being made exclusively for the journal. A group of editors and a professional peer review panel will analyse each research paper. The necessary additional adjustments may be made by the editors and peer-review panel. Before continuing with the next step in the procedure, the submitted paper needs to be ethically authorized. Please read and adhere to these instructions in order to satisfy the standards of our ARC journals.
- Aim and Scope of the Journal
- Submission Procedure
- Ethical Policy
- Open Access
- Peer Review
- Data Protection/Privacy Policy
- Preparing the submission
- Authorship Position
- Editorial office contact details
- Copyrights
- Article Types
- Our Article Publication Process
- Conflicts of Interest
- Malpractice statement
- Change in Authorship
- Post-publication queries
- Correction in document
- Article retraction policy
- Fee Policy
- Refund Policy
All authors and researchers from all domains of study are welcome who are intending to publish their scholarly research work in the field of their study and get recognized internationally after getting a letter of acceptance from the leading international ARC- journal. They may upload their research article on our website. If you are an upcoming or established author in this field of study who wants to publish an article on any and all fields of study, you have come to the right place. We only publish original research studies or meta-analyses that are distinctive in their methodology, present cutting-edge research findings on all kinds of research and experimental records with us that are widely acknowledged, and pose critical questions about pre-existing and current paradigms that shed light on earlier findings.
In general, articles on a wide range of topics are welcome from our distinguished authors from a variety of fields. Before submitting their article work, the authors should carefully read the Instructions for authors section. By including some background information in the submit online portion of our website, authors are encouraged to submit their written work. We only cost article processing charge once the author receives notification that their research work has been accepted for publication in the leading journal indexing list.
International Journal of Applied Science (ISSN: 2208-2182)
We are the leading article publisher in the field of many categories of applied sciences such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Applied-Biology, Pharmacy, Botany, Zoology, Optics, Physics, Health-sciences, Medicine, Architecture, Statistics, Information-science, Computer-science, Nanotechnology, Electronics, Agriculture-science, Horticulture, Bio-technology, Microbiology, Nursing, Food-Technology, Multimedia, Aeronautical Science, Tourism-&-Hospitality, Animation-&-game-design, Astrology, Analogy, Nutrition, Instrumentation, Electronic-engineering, Energy-physics, Laser-technology, Digital-Electronics, Mathematical-statistics, Geometry, Mechanical-engineering, DNA-technology, Physiology, Biodiversity-&-Taxonomy, Molecular-Biology, Metabolism-&-integration, Ecosystems, Biochemical-techniques, Molecular-physiology, Bio-energetics, Immunology, Pharmaceutical-science, Human-Health-Science, Microbiology, Psychology, Law-&-regulations, Oceanography, Meteorology, aerospace-engineering, architectural-engineering, Mechanical-engineering, Etc.
We accept all types of articles in the field of multidisciplinary area of research under the following research article formats - Research Papers, Survey Papers, Case-studies, Study Papers, Short-reports, Subjective Papers, Experimental Result Papers, Analysis Study Research Papers, Informative Article, Letters, Comparison Papers, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Methodologies, Research Proposals or Synopsis, Working Projects, New Innovation & Idea, Prototypes, etc. The authors are encouraged to upload their scholarly content under any of the format stated on our website.
- A Submittal declaration stating that the information in your paper has not already been published elsewhere or shared with other writers should be presented at the top of your article.
- These crucial elements must be present in your research report in the following order: Article title, summary, and keywords With an introductory page, methodology & materials, findings, Discussions, Acknowledgments, Declaration of interest Statement, Results, Conclusion, References, Appendices, Tables, Pie-charts, Graphs, and photographs (with high resolution only), if any, make up the main article content.
- Depending on your preference, your article should be in separate files or an editable version file including text, figures, and tables. All required parts, including an abstract, should be included in your article. All of the publications cited in the text should be included in the alphabetical list of references.
- To make your content more discoverable and searchable on the internet, it should have three to five keywords, preferably more.
- We advise you to consistently use U.S. English spelling throughout the entire manuscript.
- Observe the formatting criteria established by our publication standards.
- All cited publications should be included in an alphabetical list of references. References from all authors, including their DOIs, must be given.
- Other email addresses will not have manuscripts evaluated for publication. Paper submissions are no longer being accepted. Submissions on paper are no longer accepted. The title of the research paper must be in boldface, title case size of 14, followed by the names of the authors, followed by the addresses in normal face, lower case with a font size of 12 & font style of ‘Times news Roman’.
- Please remember that only English-language manuscripts and articles are accepted for publication in this journal.
- To designate the author to whom all letters should be addressed, use an asterisk. The title should appropriately convey the nature of the work in the message and be as succinct as possible.
- Statements concerning ethical, openness, and integrity requirements must be prepared in accordance with international standards for article publishing.
- The order of the author's names should be first names, then last names. Names shouldn't be preceded with or followed by titles or degrees.
- The complete postal addresses and pin codes of the location(s) where the study work was conducted should be entered after the authors' names. At the bottom of the title page, please insert "*Address For Correspondence" and a working email address. Please add a brief title of no more than 50 characters on the title page, with the exception of "*Address For Correspondence," which should be centered.
- The word count for the primary material should not exceed 5000 words. Each paper should start with an abstract that, in 200–250 words, summarises the study's key findings. The abstract should highlight the purpose of your study, the sources you consulted, the findings, and the conclusion.
- The decimal system dictates that papers be broken up into chapters and subchapters. After the abstract, original contributions should be separated into smaller sections for the sake of presentation clarity and brevity.
(3) Ethical Policy:
We are responsible for ensuring that the standards and code of conduct are upheld by the Crossref & DOI referencing, that the article work is progressing ethically while retaining its secrecy, and that the ethical values of the articles submitted on our website are protected. We conduct peer reviews to look for content plagiarism and follow all guidelines in the ethics and community standards established by the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE). Once all of the requirements for the article and the ethics have been satisfied, we publish your article in our prestigious journal, ARC. We uphold morally appropriate and unacceptable behaviour standards that researchers must adhere to.
Guidelines for community standards that include the following should be followed in addition to ethical values:
- Online interactions should be treated the same as in person.
- Be understanding of other people's viewpoints and respectfully disagree when they conflict with your own.
- Respect the privacy and personal information of other graduates.
- Be courteous and considerate in your communication.
- Getting in touch with former students, re-establishing contact, or joining a group
- Personal contact information from the Alumni Directory, such as names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, social media profiles, student information, and employment information, cannot be used for messaging or contacting.
The tools used to distinguish between acceptable and inappropriate conduct types are ethical policies. Respecting intellectual property, maintaining confidentiality, and giving other researchers' contributions due credit are all part of ethical practices. The study work becomes more credible and promising when ethics are taken into consideration. The Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE), which is crucial in the creation of acceptable and distinctive research works that abide by publication ethics, puts into practice the ethics inculcated by the study authors. Ethics forbid the author from engaging in any unethical behaviour while creating his piece. The purpose of integrating ethics in journals is to guarantee that the submitted paper is authentic, genuine, and error-free. After a protracted procedure in which we make sure that every conceivable aspect of the article is successfully targeted and double-checked against our metrics requirements, the article is published. We appropriately process the content through our panel of experts before moving on to the next stage of the publication process, covering all ethical principles and procedures used in the incoming piece.
Open access is the practice of making research publications freely accessible to the public only after they have been published in the target journal. Reading the study and using it can help anyone. Open access is simple to locate using the Crossref and DOI assignment numbers. The scientific community can freely communicate ideas, resources, and knowledge thanks to open access. With open-access publishing, your work will be accessible online as soon as it is published, which will raise the profile, readership, and effect of your study. Making your work open access will increase the number of citations and impact factors it receives, giving you more reason to feel confident about publishing your future research publication. If you want to draw in more readers and reach a larger audience of scientists, your article must be in the top-quality search results, more visible, shareable, and citeable on an internet platform. You can do this by giving the publishing organization unrestricted access to the information in your research publication. You will increase the visibility and credibility of your work so that it can be shared with a wider audience and published in our prestigious Engineer’s Publication House Journals.
It's challenging to publish a research paper, and papers accepted for publication in the best databases for research must and should undergo peer review. Peer review is a crucial process carried out by a group of subject-matter experts since the substance of an article and the comments made by peers in the field of study define the quality of the article in the journal. Peers will evaluate and contrast the author's chosen reference journal with the original research publication. Peers are aware of the content's insights and can provide feedback on whether or not the author's provided piece is authentic by looking for plagiarism.
Peers are knowledgeable about the insights contained in the given article and may assess if it is legitimate or not by looking for plagiarism and other crucial elements that will be considered by the peer review panel. After examining the articles by our Editorial-review panel they will suggest the article's ranking to the intended journal.
Once the author submits the article, it is sent for peer-review. Your scientific work will either be published in one of our indexed journals or not depending on the results of the peer review analysis. With a wide variety of research articles on all fields of advanced features including a peer review facility for any discrepancies in the incoming research articles, ARC is the most robust and a reputable publication house that one can count on. The research article's credibility is raised through a peer review. It will be simpler to recognize the qualities of the article's content, facilitating the assessment of the journal's caliber and preserving the integrity of the scientific record in article publication. An article that has not been peer-reviewed cannot be processed into the target journal because the first review is carried out by peers. Peer review therefore, helps to eliminate any fraudulent manuscripts that are plagiarized from different articles. The author is required to confirm that the article standards adhere to those set forth by the target periodicals. They encourage the authors to build the essay in a positive and productive way.
This policy is current and subject to change at any time in accordance with the procedures we have adopted based on our organizational requirements with regard to personal data and other pertinent legal rights. We utilize this to facilitate communication between you, the researcher/author, and us, the publishing authority. Before using the services on our website, we advise you to carefully read the text below. You should also keep an eye out for any revisions that may be made in compliance with the provisions of this policy on a regular basis.
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Additionally, we provide personal information to you and, as necessary, our legal teams and government regulators. We also provide personal information to you and, as needed, accountants, auditors, litigators, and other outside consultants to ARC Journals, who are all required by law to support legal provisions. We share your information with other business units within our organization for legal reasons and to ensure the performance of our websites, products, and publication services for you.
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A Manuscript requires a lot of time to prepare. Consider writing a manuscript for days or even months before submitting it to a journal that isn't a good fit. Therefore, choosing the right Indexed journal target is crucial for the publication of an article. Always check to see if your research work is appropriate for the journal. The process of submitting a research paper or article for consideration for publishing in foreign journals is known as article submission. ARC is always open to scholars of all area of research interest, who are ready to submit their work in any and all fields of study.
We publish articles, research papers, theses, review articles, brief papers, and other writings on various scholarly topics that affect how well a person performs in society. It is a crucial stage in the research process because it gives researchers the chance to communicate their discoveries with the greater academic community and progress their profession. The "submit paper" option can be used to post your research paper. Before submitting an article, it is imperative to give serious thought to the journal that would be the best fit for your work. The topic and scope of the journal, its reputation, and the journal that the readership is interested in are a few things to take into account. Once you've chosen a suitable journal, you must follow the submission requirements for our journal. The precise formatting and structure specifications for your work, together with any additional submission requirements, are outlined in these guidelines. You will typically need to submit your manuscript through an online submission system after completing it in accordance with the instructions. You can follow the comprehensive steps that will aid you in the article submission process by visiting our 'SUBMISSION PROCEDURE' link. You can use this system to post your article as well as any supporting materials from your article research, such as eye-catching templates like original artwork, graphics, pie charts, tables, and spreadsheets. The editors of the magazine will normally work with you to revise your article if it is accepted for publication to make sure it is well-written. Although it can be challenging, submitting an article to a journal is an essential step in the research process. By carefully following the instructions and working with the journal's editors, you can increase your chances of having your article approved and published.
Learn more about the impact criteria of journal metrics by investigating SJR, SNIP, JIF, H-index, and other indexing techniques, such as CiteScore measures. Remember and consider the journal's reputation, target readership, and individual needs.
One of the key responsibilities of ARC is the COPE authorship discussion. It involves identifying authors who submit their work unethically and then giving advice to aspiring authors about the proper code of conduct in order to reduce unethical practices. An organized way to show conceptual research work and credit is through authorship. They are intimately connected. It is important to assess how accurately authoring methods account for genuine contributions to the final output. In order to improve the strength and reputation of their institution as well as the reputation and support of the individuals involved, authorship is crucial. Authors who have financing but are unable to create articles as well as authors who can write articles but lack the resources to publish them have both contacted us with questions. Regardless of their position, we value and give priority to authors from a variety of subjects and backgrounds. Thus, multiple authors can be added to a single research publication. After discussion and agreement, the article can then be published online.
Everyone who contributed to a study needs to be included as an author. By training research groups on authorship norms and creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the conduct and dissemination of research, authorship disputes can be avoided. In the event of disagreements or controversies over authorship, COPE standards should be reviewed. We make the authors' articles open-access so that other would-be writers can freely use, copy, and distribute the research they've done. Those who have made noteworthy contributions to the conception, design, implementation and interpretation of concepts in their research work are given the title of author.
The author's list must contain all co-authors, and the corresponding authors are responsible for ensuring that this happens. The corresponding author is in charge of making sure that co-authors have approved the manuscript in its entirety and have acknowledged our publication guidelines. The funding sources of all authors and co-authors, as well as any other significant conflicts of interest that might have an impact on the manuscript's outcome, should be disclosed in a written statement submitted with each manuscript. Peer-reviewed journals and medical schools are just two entities that have set authorship rules. These standards are identical on fundamental issues, but they are evolving over time primarily to take into consideration the increasing number of studies carried out by team members whose representatives have highly specialized responsibilities. Different incentives have encouraged authorship methods that fall short of these requirements. Regardless of whether such colleagues made significant intellectual contributions to the work, junior investigators may feel that adding senior colleagues as authors will boost the legitimacy and possibility of publication of their work.
Our editors are in charge of making sure that peer-reviewed publications are accurate, high-quality, and intellectually sound overall. They also keep an eye on the review procedure to make sure that it is exhaustive, authentic, legitimate, and timely. They are in charge of sustaining the journal's goals and objectives by choosing papers that add something fresh, unique, and important to the author's expertise. The following list is not all-inclusive of what our Editor thinks:
- Identify the Article: The editor's primary role is to uphold and enhance the standing and reputation of the magazine because it is his job to verify the veracity of the article content. They must guarantee the excellent caliber of the manuscripts received for the article assignment.
- Check the article structure: After correcting any inaccurate information in the article, the editor should make sure that the editing is finished promptly and that the author receives helpful comments on the submitted article papers. The editor also makes sure that the paper is thorough and complies with the standards for illustrations, patterns, and references set forth by worldwide databases indexed journals. The editor will find, look into, and deal with any ethical transgressions made by authors or reviewers. The author must be handled properly, politely, objectively, and honestly, according to editors.
- Journal rules and guidelines: The Editor is in charge of handling any minor nuances and discrepancies that come up during the article submission process, as well as informing the author of the methods, guidelines, and procedures involved. owns the right to structure the article, including the right to alter, delete, or add pertinent information. The editor may also give the author any supplementary manuscripts or reference journals that are necessary.
- Hold conferences: In addition to the duties outlined above, the editor should give presentations at conferences on the goals and significance of the journals, inspiring potential authors to submit their work to the publication agency. Which indexes the article in the journals should be listed in will be decided by the editor. Authors are encouraged to learn about and register for our conference events, including virtual and hybrid conferences, in order to discuss the article's flaws and quality issues. Academic authors can find and register for free. They can send us their questions and concerns virtually via hybrid conference proceedings. We hold both virtual and in-person meetings on a regular basis. These gatherings draw renowned experts and peers from a wide range of disciplines.
- Protect the Confidentiality: Each issue's peer-reviewed article is submitted on time, in accordance with the timeline established with the publisher. The editor should give the author specific instructions on how to prepare and submit manuscripts. The editor must make sure that the received article contains information that complies with the requirements of the intended journal. They should make sure that there are no authorship conflicts while also protecting the author's work- confidentially. We provide the author with detailed instructions for preparing and submitting his manuscripts. We review the received article to ensure that it meets the standards and guidelines of our journal. Our expert panel protects the author's work from other authors while also ensuring that there is no authorship conflict.
- Correct the errors if any: The editor should go over the text and make any necessary corrections to spelling, punctuation, and grammar. For the research piece to be successful, they should help the author incorporate their thoughts. Each editor makes decisions regarding whether or not to move forward with the research piece using a different process. The editing of the peer-reviewed manuscript is a crucial next step, and ARC makes sure that the content is genuine, devoid of mistakes, and complies with the requirements established by the target journal. The final content-checking process is totally under the editorial team's control. ARC journals constantly make sure that the article content is relevant and complies with their standards.
In order to publish and distribute an article, we need your publishing rights. Because of this, we demand that authors who publish in one of our journals sign an author contract that gives us the required publishing rights. Once your article has been peer-reviewed, approved, and put into production, this will take place. Authors are frequently allowed to retain their rights to their work in open-access publications. This demonstrates that the author has total control over the work (e.g. retains the right to reuse, distribute, republish, etc.). The author will typically grant the journal the right of first publication in this situation. The author will often provide the journals with initial publication rights. One of two agreements can be made between an author and a publisher. In the first agreement, the author assigns the copyright to a publisher or another entity that disseminates the work. In the second, the author retains the copyright while granting the publisher or other group some rights for publication. The Publisher agrees to publish the Work and give the Authors credit in exchange for the Corresponding Author's transfer of rights.
The corresponding author guarantees that they have the legal authority to publish the work and all of its contents as well as to provide the ARC permission to make the work and all of its contents electronically accessible in line with the conditions of this Agreement. Additionally, the Corresponding Author guarantees that the Work does not break any laws or infringe on the rights of any third parties, and in particular, that the Work does not contain any material that violates anyone's privacy rights, intellectual property rights, or other legal rights.
If the Work was created collaboratively, the Corresponding Author commits to inform the Authors of the contents of this Agreement and acquire their written consent before signing on their behalf. The Corresponding Author further guarantees that he or she has complete power to engage in this agreement. The Corresponding Author consents to hold the Journal harmless in the event that any of the aforementioned statements are broken.
Every article has a type assigned to it based on its content. This is advantageous to readers since it lets them know what kind of content to anticipate (original research, reviews, communication, etc.), and it also helps indexing services when filtering search results. The most popular article kinds are described in this section, albeit it is not exhaustive. The editor has the last say in which type should be given to a published piece. articles are written by the author, short reports, methodologies, effective strategies, registered reports, case studies, brief letters, literature, and review papers. Our journal will also feature current editorials, commentary, and viewpoints that are under the editorial chief's authority. To submit your collective research papers on all types of articles, visit our website and click the "submit paper" button in the "For Authors" section for submission information. Articles are essentially original research papers. Both a significant amount of new knowledge and experiments that adhere to scientific standards should be presented in the work. The article should incorporate the most recent and pertinent references in the area. The format should comprise the Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (optional), and References with a minimum word count of 5000 words. The journal's website has detailed instructions and templates.
BRIEF REVIEW: Brief reviews, which are typically consisting of figures, graphs, and tables, are quick yet informative study work presentations that are thought relevant and should highlight the achievements in that particular area of research. However, the research that is presented must be original and plagiarism-free. A minimum word count of 2500 words is advised as the word limit for this.
CONFERENCE REPORTS: The events that occurred during the conference proceedings and virtual meetings are typically documented in conference reports. Only pertinent material pertaining to the meetings and conversations held at significant events should be included. There should be a minimum word count of 2500 in the collective production of content.
ESSAY: Essays are acceptable as long as they demonstrate to us a significant amount of information supported by material facts and figures. A minimum word count of 4000 words is required for a strong framework.
(12) Our Article Publication Process’s Features:
Since 2013, we have been chosen by leading academic, business, and government institutions. We bring together superior quality and coverage of all types of bibliometric data, as well as advanced analytics and technology used in article publication. We assist our esteemed authors in the following ways:
- Combating predatory publishing and ensuring the scholarly record's integrity.
- Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the research workflow.
- Give institutions the authority to promote performance, rank, and reputation.
- Allow funders to optimise author’s budgets.
- We have the most dependable publication unit for scientific articles. We have an international group of scientists and researchers with extensive journal review and editing experience from major and diverse scientific disciplines. The quality titles presented should be of the highest calibre.
- We thoroughly identify and analyse the submitted articles, as well as track and assess the impact of the research article on journal citations.
- In deciding what, where, and with whom to collaborate in deciding the fate of the article content, we track and monitor global research trends and standards.
- In order to provide our authors with the appropriate reference journals, we identify the current research article's needs and match them with previously indexed and published articles in that research area.
- We provide a platform for our researchers, librarians, scientists, and research administrators to collect conference papers and store them in our large bibliometric database.
- We implemented the Cite score, SJR, and SNIP methodologies, as well as tools such as Cite score-Tracker, Cite score-Rank, and Cite score-Percentile, to ensure a more sophisticated, robust, and stable metric usage, allowing our author's article to maintain a Cite score and Impact Factor between 1 and 10.
- We provide our authors with real-time research information in their research area by providing them with highly-cited research journals for the development of their article content.
- We have extensive scientific data, literature, and analytical tools to keep our authors up to date and ahead of the competition in their field of study.
- We collaborate with our editors and peers to plan, organise, promote, and publish your research work. Throughout the research publication process, authors can receive effective, actionable support.
- We notice the article's novelty, importance, and scope. We invite authors to meet with our expert editors and peers to discuss the publication process and concerns about their research articles that are currently being reviewed in order to ensure the quality of the article submitted in our evaluation process.
- Our editorial teams make a decision and notify our researchers about the status of their research article via direct email with editor and reviewer comments about whether the article is to be accepted, rejected, revised, or transferred.
- Our approach entails providing benefits to our authors such as publication charges within a reasonable budget, a quick publication process, reduced effort, reduced administrative burden, and, most importantly, a time-saving process.
- With the assistance of our scholars, peers, practitioners, and editors, we facilitate the research discovery and workflow of the production process, providing our authors with trusted content and analytical solutions to empower knowledge.
- Our editors will ultimately decide whether or not to accept the article. Our peer-review system exists to validate academic work, aid in the improvement of published research quality, and expand networking opportunities within research communities.
- Once we have completed our review process, the author must keep the article content confidential until it is made available to the public.
- We have been assisting scholarly authors in publishing their articles. Our characteristics include being highly visible, highly citable, trusted, innovative, and high-achieving, with high-quality standards.
Conflict of interest arises when an individual involved in the publication process, such as an author, peer reviewer, or editor, has a conflicting interest that could negatively affect his or her performance of duties related to manuscript submission, peer review, editorial judgements, and interaction among authors, reviewers, and editors. Authors are recommended to disclose any bias in the research article papers with regard to other authors who are comparable to them before submitting your academic article to us, as this may raise the issue of bias in the submitted research work. Consequently, the following should be examples of a clear declaration of the kinds of competing interests that must be mentioned in the article:
- Ties to money
- Academic obligations
- Personal connections
- Beliefs in politics or religion
- Affiliations with institutions
The person must weigh a wide range of competing interests to determine if they unreasonably affect his or her obligations during the publication process. Beyond only a financial conflict of interest, articles must give instances and explanations of the opposing interests that should be disclosed. Articles rely on the publication of facts because routine monitoring or investigation is not practicable. This increases the declarer's responsibility to provide accurate and detailed reporting. It also suggests that journals should ask about conflicts of interest in a way that increases the likelihood that pertinent conflicts of interest will be disclosed. All individuals participating in the publication process must be aware of the varying rules that apply to conflicts of interest and disclosures in each individual journal.
The Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors serve as the foundation for our Malpractice Statement Ethics. The primary responsibility of editors is to choose the kinds of research papers that will be approved in accordance with the requirements of the journal. Without taking into account the author's race, origin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political background, the editor will assess the article's substance. The choice is made based on the topical area of interest, significance, originality, and applicability of the research paper to the content fact. When making a judgment regarding whether to publish an article in a journal, plagiarism, and copyright violations should be taken into consideration.
The editorial staff should not, under any circumstances, disclose the data submitted by authors to anyone other than the author himself, reviewers, peers, and other editorial advisers as necessary. He is also accountable for any unpublished material that the researcher submits and that the editors may not utilize for the benefit of other aspiring writers or researchers without the original author's expressed permission. Our peer panel of specialists makes it simpler for the editors to make editing judgments and helps writers improve their research documentation.
Any random referee who believes that an article is ineligible should tell the editorial team or the peer review panel, and the article should not be made publicly available in order to protect the confidentiality of the author. Except at the author's or editors' sole discretion, they must not be disclosed in any way. In accordance with the target journal specifications, the review should be conducted. The review panel should provide suitable responses and concise justifications for each judgment they make.
The submitted article should not have been mentioned anywhere else, and the peer reviewers should point out specific instances where this is the case. In addition, they should confirm that the arguments used correctly and derived from other likely reference sources are supported by the particular source. When analyzing the research article that was submitted, our peers will let the editing team know if any significant parallels arise or if the article has been referenced in any previously published studies. Any similarities between manuscripts that are now being reviewed by our peer reviewers and any previously published papers that have already been indexed in international journal databases like Google Scholar with a good cite score will be discussed with the editor. Data gathered from the researchers must be kept private and must not be utilized for own gain. By all means necessary, competitors, collaborators, and other ties from other prospective sources that are connected to the material content should be avoided in order to avoid conflicts of interest resulting from sensitive manuscripts.
The scope and relevance of the research should always be real and true in all respects, and authors should always provide their own original research piece. To make the author's study effort more recognised, the submitted article should have enough depth and a reference list that is thoroughly discussed. Fraudulent acts, knowingly false statements, and other unethical conduct are not permitted. For editorial review, authors could be asked to provide more information about their research work. If the confidentiality and rights of the authors are respected, the author's article may be made open-access after publication for at least 10 years.
The articles that have been influential with their appreciable citation score following the promotion of the article will receive suitable cite scores regarding their work, and authors will only submit original work. The author's description of the report's contents should be well-cited and taken into consideration. It is not advisable to publish papers presenting research that is similar in another journal. To ensure that the issues covered are relevant to the subject and not out of context, all unnecessary information about the study data should be eliminated from the article's content inorder to meet target journal guidelines and requirements in particular.
The submitted work published in more than one journal is an inappropriate and unethical publishing practice. Copyrighted content from other publications as well as manuscripts that have previously been published in the indexed journal listing is not accepted. Resubmission of manuscripts for our journal's review is not permitted. However, the authors retain ownership of the published work after submission. We make the authors' articles open-access so that other aspiring writers can have access to the research area that they are into.
All co-authors must be listed, and the corresponding authors must make sure that all of the co-authors who contributed are acknowledged in the author list. The corresponding author is in charge of making sure that co-authors have given their consent for the paper's final version and have accepted our publication guidelines. Every author and co-author should include a written declaration outlining any financial support they have provided as well as any other significant conflicts of interest that might have an impact on the manuscript's outcomes. Financial information for the project should come from all known sources. When an author finds a substantial error in his or her presentation work, it is the author's duty to inform the journal editor as soon as possible and work with the editorial team to have the paper retracted or corrected in the form of an erratum.
The addition or deletion of an author from the journal publication constitutes a change in authorship. A system and mechanism, such as the requirement that all authors agree in writing that they are alright with the proposed change, are required for changes in the authorship order that only involve the addition or deletion of an author from the author list. If an author fails to disclose their competing interests for any reason, it should be dealt with more formally. If necessary, further inquiry or engagement of the linked institution will be made. We ask writers why they should be added to or removed from the list in a step-by-step procedure for adding or removing authors after the publication process. In order to do this, we develop journal rules or authorship declaration statements that specify that all authors satisfy the necessary standards and that we ensure that eligible authors are added to the list along with valid authors, with justification provided for both actions. Discussions should be held at the conference proceedings and at the editorial level with respect to addition or removal of the authors.
- We go over the justifications for removing authors from the list. For this, we adhere to our journal's policies or our authorship declaration, which states that all writers who are added to the author list do so in accordance with the proper standards, and we make sure that no deserving author is left out.
- List the actual justifications for including new authors on the author list.
- Get the agreement of each co-author and include a justification for the need for the additional author in a written statement.
3.1 If it is okay, then the publication error has been fixed.
3.2 If no, Explain that you will not alter the authorship until you have received written consent from all co-authors, that you won't get into any type of disagreements, and that you will go by all of the authorship criteria specified on our website. We now confirm the consensus of all authors.
3.2.1 If so, a publication correction is necessary.
3.2.2 If not, we forward the case to the author's institution and request that the institution make the decision. And if the institution requests it, publish the correction.
According to our journal guidelines or authorship declaration, which should state that all authors meet the appropriate criteria, we inquire as to why authors should be removed from the list before removing any potentially vulnerable authors, and we also inquire as to whether the excluded author is suspect. List the actual justifications for the author's removal from the list. List the justifications for adding or removing the authors, and before removing any names from the list of authors, we ensure that all authors have given their approval.
After identifying the causes, there are three possible results.
- If the author requests an explanation of legal justifications,
1.1 May be sent to see if it is appropriate to remove one author if all authors have agreed to it in writing. The author's name will also be removed at this point to correct the publication process.
1.2 If not, we won't change the authorship until the author receives the written consent of every author in accordance with our authorship criteria, avoiding any form of conflict.
1.2.1 Verify that the choice is shared by all the authors. If so, publish with
any necessary corrections.
1.2.2 If not, we report the matter to the research centre (Institute) of the
author in question, who must make a decision regarding the
request for a "publish correction."
- The author's name gets deleted from the list of authors if there is evidence of fraud or other wrongdoing on their part.
- If authors' reasonable interpretations of the same data differ, we advise them to explain why in a letter to the other authors and request a response. The author must then address a letter to our newspaper.
3.1 If yes, we advise our authors to get in touch with their fellow co-authors and explain the problem.
3.1.1 We publish both letters if the co-authors decide to publish them.
3.1.2 In the event that the co-authors decline to comment, a minority view letter is published.
3.2 If not, in cases where the writer declines to submit a letter or writes something that cannot be published, think about posting a correction.
In this digital age, we publishers are all preoccupied with services that create really robust publication processes that are always in front of the print edition of the content. Editors should delay publishing an article until the authorship controversy is fully addressed if one arises during the publication process. After the article has been published, if there are any authorship issues, it is our editor's responsibility to properly analyze the situation. Without the author's and co-permission, author's the editor may make comprehensive changes to name spellings or credentials while they are being reviewed. Additionally, it is crucial to retain transparency among all of our authors and editors, so we should keep them informed of any changes made to the substance of their articles for the purpose of quality indexing requirements.
These "questions" are crucial to the success of an essay. Our editor can review your document and find any mistakes you might have missed. Additionally, our editor is familiar with the magazine's readers and may foresee any questions or areas where they might want more clarification.
- What does the inclusion of research articles in ARC journals mean?
We have published many scholarly articles in various research areas like Science, Business, Engineering, Law, Political Science, etc. Since its establishment, with the intention of offering the most educational and productive platform for the research database purposes like Google scholar.
- What is the importance of peer review in article publication?
After reviewing your work and making recommendations after consulting with our respected authors, our peer experts publish your article. Any research work published in top journals with indexed research databases like Google Scholar must first pass through peer review. In order to ensure that the incoming article is original and to check for discrepancies like plagiarism, the journal publication agency appoints a panel of experts in that field of study. This is done to ensure that the article is not already published elsewhere and is not being reviewed by another publishing house.
- How do the editors evaluate your articles?
Our editorial team oversees the peer-review process to make sure it is complete, original, legitimate, and timely, and guarantees the peer-reviewed article's accuracy, quality, and overall intellectual substance. The editor needs to make it very clear what the author should do to prepare and submit their work. The editor must ensure that the received article complies with the requirements of the target journal. The editor should make sure that there is no conflict of interest with the authorship while also protecting the author's work's confidentiality.
- What are the benefits of making an article open-access?
Articles with open-access are read and cited more frequently than articles with closed access. It encourages other scholars to conduct more multidisciplinary research. By making your paper open access, you can show readers that your work is original and not plagiarised while also enabling readers, new authors, and researchers to do a collaborative study on a global scale from any location.
- What is the role of impact factors in article rankings?
We are dedicated to giving our clients the value and quality rating that the author needs. We also make sure that the author's paper is acknowledged and recognized by a Metric-based indexed journals indexing list, such as Google Scholar.
- What is the role of ethical practices in the article publications?
Ethical procedures include giving due acknowledgment for the contributions of other scholars and respecting others' intellectual property, privacy, and secrecy. Research can be made to be more trustworthy and promising by incorporating ethical considerations.
- Does ARC index articles into the international journal indexing lists?
Yes, many diverse articles from a variety of backgrounds and fields like business, science, engineering, law, tourism, political science, management, etc. have been published in ARC publications and indexed in the world's top research journal database namely Google Scholar, Crossref, Scholarsteer, CiteFactor, DRJI, Scientific Indexing Services, International Institute of Organized Reserach (I2OR), Academic Resource Index - ResearchBib International Scientific Indexing (ISI), IFSIJ, SJIF, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD), Etc.
If authors find errors in their published work, particularly ones that could change how data are interpreted or the veracity of the information presented, they should get in touch with us right away. The corresponding author shall first acquire consent from all of the listed co-authors before submitting any requests for revisions or retractions to an article. To ensure that readers are fully aware of any necessary changes, any updates will be accompanied by a post-publication notice that is permanently linked to the original article. This could be in the form of a Retraction, Correction notice, Expression of Concern, or, in severe circumstances, Removal. The integrity of the scholarly record is protected by this method for making visible, long-lasting revisions.
At the time of publishing, all revisions, statements of concern, and retraction notices are made accessible.
After reviewing the guidelines, please contact the journal's production editor or get in touch with us via this website or email if you believe that your article needs to be updated or retracted.
Post-publication notifications to maintain the accuracy of the academic record:
Correction notice
If an error or omission needs to be corrected but does not compromise the article's scholarly integrity or the ability to be understood, a Correction notice will be given. Examples include incorrectly labelled data, the absence of crucial funding details, and authors with conflicting agendas.
Editors distinguish between major and small mistakes. Substantial errors or omissions are any changes that alter how the article should be understood while upholding the article's scholarly integrity for the purposes of correction notices.
Each serious error is given its own correction notification. The specifics of the problem and the changes made to the Version of the Record should be included in the correction notification. Under these conditions, editors will indulge for:
- Edit the article that is online.
- Send out a specific correction notice that is electronically connected to the revised version.
- There should be a footnote to the article that includes the electronic link to the revision notification.
- The correction notice will be paginated in the journal's online issue and made available.
- Give everyone access to the correction notice
There won't be an additional correction notice for insignificant errors. Instead, a footnote will be included with the article noting the correction. Minor errors have little impact on the reader's comprehension of the scholarly material or the content's reliability. EHP may also publish a correction to address an error in the publication's metadata (for example, misspelling of an author's name or errors in the competing interests, funding, or data availability statement). A correction notice will typically appear as a post-publication notice linked to the original article. In rare cases, we may choose to replace the original online version with a corrected version of an article. When we republish an article, we usually include a correction notice that is linked to the article and details the changes.
Errors are frequently present in the authors' articles that they present. The main content of the article, which is the accurate research work conducted by the researcher, is typically not accepted; instead, the research paper is often rejected for minor but significant reasons like stylistic fonts, font size, the format of the content, and so on. Given that the researcher spends a lot of time, money, and effort conducting his research, this is not a good article publication practice. As a result, it should only be eliminated at the editorial level. Publishing a research study and its findings is a difficult task in the practice of journal publication because it requires a lot of research activity to build and carry out a real research study and to publish the article on the research work done by the researcher. We explain all the methodologies of corrections to our authors in this regard.
However, a well-structured research paper will increase the likelihood that our publication will accept your article. Two types of corrections that may be evaluated by us during the review process are:
- Minor Corrections
- Major Corrections
Minor Corrections: This includes any minor corrections to the research article that the author has already submitted, such as grammatical errors, title changes, spelling errors, English that isn't strong enough to be published, and other unrelated changes. To ensure that articles are published quickly, editors can repair any such little errors during the editorial stage itself. The following small mistakes were:
- The Article's structure or format is incorrect.
- The goal is not correctly defined.
- Unattractive and unconvincing abstract with excessive word count.
- The format of the research article does not meet journal requirements.
- Minor rules like spelling errors and grammar faults are not followed by authors.
- Articles with long sentences and technical jargon.
- Presenting ineffective keywords in the abstract
- Floating items with a mess of graphs, pictures, tables, etc.
- Non-English papers or untranslated meta-data
- Not checking the paper's accuracy before submission.
Major Corrections: In most cases, this is due to incomplete or inaccurate data being presented in the research article that our inexperienced authors submitted. Only when the manuscript has been corrected in accordance with the journal's criteria should the author contact the ARC review and editorial team through email or the website. where the following types of errors could usually happen:
- Data changes - Owing to data changes, such as material that is no longer relevant to the topic and inaccurate content because the article's research was inadequate. This might also be because they are based on the content of the articles on material from reference journals.
- Imperfect Calculations - This is frequently found in the records that the authors have provided. The author alone should fix this and should offer the reasoning, validation, and proven technique demonstrating that the statistics and calculations presented are accurate.
- Technical complexity - This error is brought about by mistakes in the technical aspects that the author covers and which are not supported by evidence.
- Plagiarism - When an article is submitted, it frequently turns out to be plagiarised and to be merely an incremental extension of an already well-established research journal. These articles do not contribute or advance knowledge in their fields of study in any way. This kind of research clearly forms a portion of a larger investigation that have already made a significant contribution to the society.
- The research work is Incomprehensible - The language, accent, structure, and figures are so bad that the editors reject the submission because the credentials can't be properly evaluated.
If a significant error (such as one in the methodology or analysis) renders the findings of the article invalid, or if research misconduct or publication misconduct has occurred, a retraction notice will be made available (e.g. research without required ethical approvals, fabricated data, manipulated images, plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc). The editorial team of the ARC will launch an investigation before making the decision to retract a piece in accordance with its rules. If their justifications align with the retraction requirements, authors and institutions may ask that their papers be retracted.
Retraction will be considered:
- If there is substantial evidence that the outcomes are questionable as a result of dishonesty (such as data falsification or picture manipulation) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error).
- If the findings were previously published without the required cross-referencing, approval, or justification (e.g. cases of redundant publication or duplicate publication).
- if the research contains any instances of plagiarism.
- Whenever there is evidence of authorship fraud.
- Where it has been demonstrated that peer review has been falsified.
- if evidence of unethical research is available.
ARC Retraction guidelines:
The ARC Retraction Guidelines, which are official ARC policies, are intended to give editors and publishers direction on anticipated procedures for figuring out whether a retraction is required and how to do it.
Editors ought to consider pulling a publication if,
- They have compelling evidence that the findings are untrustworthy, either as a consequence of severe inaccuracy (such as computation error or experimental error) or as a result of data fabrication or falsification (eg, image manipulation).
- The article contains the copied text.
- Without adequate justification, acknowledgment of the original sources, or editor disclosure, the results have already been published elsewhere (ie, cases of redundant publication)
- It contains information or data that is not authorized for use; copyright has been violated or there is some other serious legal issue (eg, libel, privacy).
- It reports unethical research and has only been published as a result of a tainted or manipulated peer-review process.
- The editor believes that the author(s) failed to disclose a significant competing interest (also known as a conflict of interest) that would have improperly influenced how editors and peer reviewers interpreted the work or made recommendations.
Notices of retraction should:
- Include a link to the article that was retracted whenever it is possible (ie, in all online versions)
- Be distinctly marked as a retraction (i.e., distinct from other types of correction or comment)
- Be released quickly to reduce negative effects
The following requirements must be met in case of retraction:
- Clearly identify the retracted paper (e.g., by mentioning the retracted article or providing the title and authors in the retraction headline);
- Separate the retraction from other sorts of corrections or remarks, being sure to clearly identify it as such.
- Be released as soon as possible to minimise negative consequences;
- All readers should have free access to it (i.e., not restricted to subscribers or hidden behind access hurdles)
- Be objective and factual when stating the reasons for retracting the article, and avoid using emotive language.
Retractions are typically not appropriate if:
- Although the authorship is disputed, there isn't much justification to disagree with the results.
- The work's main conclusions remain reliable, and revisions could effectively fix any errors or problems.
- The evidence for retraction is inconclusive or the editor is awaiting more information.
- For more details on expressions of concern, consider an institutional investigation.
- After publication, the author's conflicts of interest were disclosed to the journal, however, the editor felt they were insignificant.
- Are unlikely to have affected the interpretations, suggestions, or conclusions of the article.
When articles contain plainly erroneous or misleading information, inaccurate research, and conclusions, or both, retraction is a technique for amending the papers and notifying readers. Inaccurate data or information may be the result of honest errors, careless errors, or poor research methods. Regression is not used to punish the authors but rather to preserve record integrity and make corrections. Retractions can be used to notify readers of plagiarism in unrelated posts in cases of peer review reuse of specific materials or information, unauthorized reuse, copyright infringement, other legal issues (such as defamation, privacy, or infringement), unethical claims, and/or failure to disclose a material claim or a competing interest that would unreasonably influence the interpretation or recommendations.
If only a small portion of the page contains incorrect information or content, an amendment is preferable. Reversing some sections is not advantageous because they make it harder to determine the nature of the object and reliable components. Similar to this, the editors should consider updating the article rather than revoking it entirely if only a small fraction of it (such as a few dialogue lines) contains plagiarism (which would have revealed that the paper was written with proper recognition and attribution).
The journal that was first published may include a reprint notice if there hasn't been any additional publication, but it shouldn't publish the article unless there are other issues, including the reliability of the data. Any publications that later publish an invalid article must retract it and provide a justification. If an article appears simultaneously in multiple journals (online or in print), priority should be given to that article. The publication dates or the dates the writers agreed to a license or copyright transfer agreement can be used to determine this. It may be necessary to revise or retract articles that relied on other works that subsequently reversed their conclusions, such as environment reviews and meta-analyses. Retraction requests can be made by the article's author(s) through an organization, readers, or the publisher.
After an article has been published, authors may ask for it to be taken down if there is a dispute over who wrote it. If there is one, there is no cause to doubt the veracity of the data or the accuracy of the conclusions; however, it is not advised to reverse a article published solely on the literary debate. The publication must inform the public if such a situation arises.
They contend that they have no control over such matters, but they are prepared to change a list of writers or performers if those individuals or their organizations can provide sufficient proof that the change is significant and important.
(19) Fee Policy:
- Regarding the upkeep of the article, the author must first pay an advance fee to ARC-Publications, and ARC Publications has the right to demand payment of an advance price in order to preserve the article.
- By our publication policies & procedures, the author is only required to pay an advance publication processing fee after receiving a letter of acceptance from the target journal.
- According to our publication policies, the author must pay the publication processing cost.
- The author must only pay the full fee once the article has been accepted for publication in the intended journal.
- The author must also pay the publication fee in accordance with our policies and procedures for publication.
(20) Refund policy:
According to our journal publication policies, The processing fee will not be refunded or returned once it has been paid after the acceptance of the article. the full publication fee is also applicable in this situation. The author is liable for any fees incurred if an article is chosen for publication by the intended audience. We won't be held responsible if the journal decides to take your article down. It is the duty of the author to select the journal and to confirm that the data on our website and the intended journal match. Any problems that develop after the article has been published are not the responsibility of ARC Journal. ARC journals reserve the right to alter these rules at any time and without providing the author with prior notice. Please check our terms and policies frequently for any updates. If you use our services after we've made any recent updates, it means you accept our terms and policies.