
International Journal of Business & Management Science (ISSN: 2208-2190) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that provides rapid monthly publication of articles in all fields of Business & Management Science. The aim of the journal is to publish the latest research related to the field of management, business administration, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and so on. We acquire, develop, market, and distribute knowledge through the dissemination of academics and practitioners from around the world. 

  • Journal h-index: 20
  • Journal Cite Score: 8.10
  • Journal Impact Factor: 2.404
  • Average acceptance to publication time (3-7 days)
  • Average article Publishing time (15-20 days)

Submit your manuscript at Online Submission System.

International Journal of Business & Management Science (ISSN: 2208-2190) is open access and follows a double-blind peer review process. The publication frequency is bi-monthly and released on the last date of every month. Our journal accepts all research articles, review articles, short communication, and thesis in all fields related to:-

Business Education, Business Intelligence, Business Performance Management, Corporate Governance, Decision Sciences, Human Resource, International Business, Management, Operations Research, Organizational Behavior, Public Relations, Resource Management, Strategic Management, Supply Change Management, Systems Thinking, Total Quality Management, Business Ethics, Business Law, Business Statistic, Cost Management, Health Care Systems and Management, Information Technology Management, Leadership, Marketing Theory and Applications, Optimization Theory and Applications, Planning, Scheduling, and Project Management, Risk Management, Stress Management, Systems Management, Time Management, Transportation, Supply Chain Management.

Open Access Policy

All research papers published in EPH Publication Open Access journals are completely open in access: you can read, view, and share them right away. Journals are written under a Creative Commons license, which allows them to be used, distributed, and reproduced in any format if the original work is properly cited. The informative journal standards are something we are committed to. For many journals in our portfolio, we're testing ground-breaking journal status. We want to give researchers as many open-access publishing options as they do subscription publishing options, reflecting our belief in author autonomy. EPH Publications believes that open access to publicly funded science, including research results, is critical to addressing the issues facing researchers.