
  • Ausra Kazlauskiene Siauliai University, P. Visinskio Str. 25, Siauliai, Lithuania
  • Danute Simkute Siauliai University, P. Visinskio Str. 25, Siauliai, Lithuania



Organizational management, quality of organizational performance, personnel motivation, organizational culture.


Currently, support of motivation in personnel working in healthcare institutions becomes highly relevant because it stimulates behavior of personnel determining efficiency of an organization and opens broader opportunities for personnel management. The conditions of present-day economics, value transformation, progress of new technologies, techniques suppose seeking the ways to personnel motivation. Since motivation measures for personnel in single organizations are not effective, organizations are seeking not separate but rather systematic models of motivation. By applying the method of meta-analysis of theoretical literature, preconditions for designing a theoretical model in an organization are revealed. The modeling of the system for personnel motivation in an organization is oriented towards three levels: macro level (organizational, social, intrinsic factors), mezo level (orientation through specificity of performance from both employee and manager’s points of view) and micro level (personnel motivation through the approach to service accessibility to a patient).


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