
  • John Kimani Gichuhi School of Business, Africa Nazarene University, Kenya
  • Lucy N Karuoya Department of Business Administration, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya



Strategic leadership, ethical practices, vision, mission, objectives, core competencies, human capital, corporate culture, core values, strategic controls


This paper reviews literature on the role of strategic leadership in enhancing ethical practices. Management theorists and business leaders have a saying that ``good conduct is good business’’. They have in time and again asserted the need to facilitate good behavior in organizations to help safe guard reputation and also to convey a commitment to responsible practice to both society and all the other stakeholders. It is evident that ethics is core to an organization and ethical conduct should be seen as a driver of business growth and therefore demanding the leadership’s attention. Scholars have identified six critical roles of strategic leadership comprising of determining the firm's purpose and vision, exploiting and maintaining core competencies, developing human capital, sustaining an effective organizational culture, emphasizing ethical practices and establishing balanced strategic controls (Ireland & Hitt, 2005; Hagen, Hassan & Amin, 1998; Jooste & Fourie, 2010; Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2011; Serfontein, 2010).This paper examines the leaders role in these six areas. The paper is presented in five sections. Section one introduces the topic under review. Section two discusses the concept of leadership, followed by concept of strategic leadership in section three. The six critical roles of strategic leadership are discussed in section four while conclusion is found in section five.


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