
  • Erick S. Ngwega Sr. Tutor, ADEM, Tanzania
  • Dr.N.Viswanadham Faculty Member, School of Business, The University of Dodoma, Tanzania



Local government, Finance department, professional staff


The main objective of the study was to examine the challenges faced by local government Authorities in Dodoma Municipality. Particularly, challenges facing finance departments of local government authorities in the course of presenting financial information. 

The study employed an explanatory case study research design, cross-sectional survey design and applied a triangulation of methods to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. A total of 90 respondents were involved in responding to both questionnaires and questionnaire interviews. Data analysis was done through SPSS. 

Key findings of the study unveiled that finance departments of local governments sustained many challenges including political pressures, lack of professional qualified staff. 


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