
  • Salome Ntinyari School of Business & Economics, Kenya Methodist University
  • Clement Nkaabu Lecturer School of Business & Economics, Kenya Methodist University
  • Wilson Muema School of Business & Economics, Kenya Methodist University



Smallholder, farmers, market access, market information


This study aimed at establishing the market information factors that affect market access by smallholder cereal farmersin Buuri Sub-County. A survey of 380 smallholder cereal farmers was carried out in Buuri Sub-County. Access to marketsis a vital requirement for the smallholder farmers to reap the benefits associated with farming. Singh (2012) noted thatany effort on poverty reduction especially in Africa are closely linked to small farms with the livelihood of 2.2 billionpeople still linked to small scale agriculture. Descriptive research was adopted for this study, data was collecting usingwell-structuredand validated questionnaires. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyse thedataset while a logistic regression analysis was conducted.The research established that availability of marketinformation has a significant effect on market access while source and cost of market information did not have an effecton market access. The study recommends that farmers should be sensitized on the use of formal agricultural information
from government agricultural officers.


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