Corporate Governance, Borrowing Cost, Cost of CapitalAbstract
The main objective of this study is to ascertain the determinants of audit quality inNigeria. The specific objectives are toascertain the effect or otherwise of Board size, ownership concentration and Board independence on borrowing cost ofbrewery firms listed on the floor of Nigeria Stock Exchange from 20102015. Ex-post fact research design was used forthis study. Secondary data were sourced from the publications of Nigeria stock exchange. Inferential statistics of thehypotheses were carried out with the aid of E-view 9.0 statistical software using co-efficient of correlation and ordinaryleast square (OLS) regression. In a bid to determining the validity of the data used Granger causality test was used.Findings of this study shows that Board size, ownership concentration and Board independence have a positive andstatistically significant effect on borrowing cost at 5% significance level. It is recommended among others that there
should be an increase in board independence since it significantly decreases a firm’s cost of capital and increases firm’s
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