
  • Advocate Varun Goel
  • Dr. Genu Roney Varghese
  • Dr. Kaniz Habiba Afrin
  • Atia Ahmed
  • Dr. Lalrosanga



Leadership styles, organizational performance, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, case study, managerial effectiveness.


Modern business competition demands leadership because it determines organizational success and continued business survival.  Organizational performance alongside employee productivity and business success entirely depend on how well a leader inspires and mentors their team members.  This research based on case studies studies organizational functions to assess the impacts of five leadership philosophies including transformational, transactional and laissez-faire as well as democratic and autocratic.  The study aims to assess the different leadership philosophies concerning their effects on important performance indicators which include financial results alongside operational effectiveness and employee engagement while studying decision-making procedures and creativity. Success and long-term business viability rely mainly on leadership in the current highly competitive and rapid business environment.  Leadership decisions heavily influence the levels of employee productivity and organizational success and business achievement due to a leader's motivational and mentoring abilities toward team members.  This study employs case studies to examine leadership theories including transformational, transactional, laissez-faire, democratic and autocratic regarding their effect on organizational operation.  The research aims to study the effects different leadership philosophies have on essential performance indicators that involve financial outcomes together with operational efficiency and employee involvement alongside decision processes and creative outcomes. The research strengthens existing knowledge by presenting real-world information regarding organizational success in relation to leadership style use.  The research results demonstrate that organizations need to adopt leadership approaches which match their future plans and workforce composition and industry type.  The study points out that leadership development through training creates essential initiatives which boost management effectiveness.  Research about the evolving nature of leadership at remote workplaces must analyze how these changes alter organizational resilience along with sustainability performance.

Author Biographies

Advocate Varun Goel

Criminal Defence Lawyer Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, India

Dr. Genu Roney Varghese

Associate Professor School of Business and Commerce, Spicer Adventist University

Dr. Kaniz Habiba Afrin

Associate Professor Department of Business Administration, Varendra University Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Atia Ahmed

Associate Professor Department of Business Administration, Varendra University Rajshahi, Bangladesh  

Dr. Lalrosanga

Faculty Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Mizoram University


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