
  • Dr. Adeniyi Temitope Adetunji Lecturer 
Department of Business Administration Bowen University Iwo, Osun State Nigeria
  • Funminiyi Mosadoluwa Obilanade Lecturer 
Department of General Studies
 Cardiff and Vale College, Cardiff, United Kingdom



Access Course, Admission Inequality, Science Education, University, Wales


This paper was designed to study inequality in studying science education in Wales through the Access to higher education pathway. The paper was mapped out to look at how the admission process into the university through Access has been unjustly treated. The paper uses a standard literature review to study relevant literatures as it relates to the study. The paper also used a desk research technique to discuss the inequalities in terms of class, gender and race. The findings suggested that the glass ceiling of unjust practices has not yet been broken, but merely raised with inequality in science education becoming a major challenge to accessing Higher Education Courses.


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