
  • Joseph M Makau Embu University College, School of Business and Economics
  • Dr. Denis Muchangi Jamleck Kirinyaga University College, School of Business and Economic, Kerugoya, Kenya



Human Resource Practices, Supportive management, Organizational Performance


The objective of this paper is to find out the relationship that exists between the various human resource management practices and the performance of employees in the health sector. The study was guided by a number of theories including the implicit persons’ theory about motivation, the human capital theory which provides a perspective that value addition by people within an organization can contribute to better performance. Others are the Vroom’s expectancy theory, the Justice theory and the control theory. The empirical review reveals that there are varied relationships between performance appraisal and performance, reward management and performance as well as human resource development and performance. There is a role of the management as far as management intervention is concerned. They also agreed that there should be some input from the management to ensure a better effect of these practices to performance of the organization. The research was to determine how the management can play a role to ensure the best of performance in the health sector especially the public health sector.


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