Leadership, Education, Organization performance, Educational leader, Innovative LeadershipAbstract
The aim of this Paper is to explore the Impact of Innovative Leadership in improving the quality of Education. From the results of the study it was observed that there is a significant impact of innovative leadership on improving the quality of education. The researchers used a mixed study using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. It was a correlation survey design to gather information and to discover whether there is any relation between the dependent variables and independent variable used. The target population of this study was limited to the administrative staff, lecturers and students in the different academic levels at the university Julius Nyerere of Kankan. Part time lecturers were excluded, due to their short and unstable period of engagement. A total of 150 of respondents were reached. The researchers used random sampling method in selecting the sample size. This method, the aim of using this method was to avoid research bias. The sample size of this study is two hundred (200). Which are 90% of the targeted population. This paper glanced at literature reviewed and established a base for exploring the impact of innovative Leadership in improving the quality of Education. The hypotheses presented in this study are tested, and the findings are presented. The presented findings discovered that improving the quality education is complex and it cannot be done without improving certain parameters whose constitute the pillars of university such as administrative staff, lecturers, students, decision making and the politics of raking the university.
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