Mutual Fund Digitalization, Mutual fund online selling portal, Design features and Principles, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Reksa Dana OnlineAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine relationship the customer loyalty to customer satisfaction to portal design features and customer service quality of Mutual Fund Online portal in Indonesia. This relationship is important as a marketing strategy to attract and retain customers by leveraging digital technologies to extend Mutual fund online selling portal product, services, and delivery capabilities in Indonesia.
Research Methodology. The research method of this study is based on quantitative approach, particularly by disseminating online questionnaire survey using google forms was distributed through Social Media such as WhatsApp Group of Mutual fund company network and communities and Instagram and Facebook community Mutual fund online Investors. Nonprobability sampling technique is used by selecting individual mutual fund investor who have experience in investing mutual fund via online as survey respondents. Survey result data then analyzed by performing Structured Equation Model (SEM) by using SMARTPLS.
Findings: The research findings show Information quality, portal firmness give significant positive affect to the portal design features of mutual fund online portal. Portal design features, and product variety offered will give significant positive influence on Customer satisfaction. Customer loyalty of mutual fund online portal predominantly influenced by Customer satisfaction and product variety of the portal.
Originality/Value: This paper can be used by Mutual fund companies (Investment Managers and Selling agents) to know what are the important design features to satisfy online investors in developing their online selling platform or to add the competitive advantage of their existing online selling portals. It also can be used by mutual fund online investor as reference in choosing their mutual fund online selling portal. Finally, this paper is to contribute to the literature of digitalization of mutual fund in Indonesia to understand the mutual fund online investor behavior and preference in Indonesia.
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