
  • Dr. Fredrick Aila Department of Business Administration, Maseno University.
  • Dr. Benjamin Ombok Department of Accounting and Finance, Maseno University
  • Dr. Eddy Owaga Department of Food Science, Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology
  • Dr. Hazel Mumbo Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)



Poultry Value Chains, Poultry Agribusiness, Value Chain Approach, Biosecurity Principles


Consumer feedback is an aggregation of the consumer perception and interpretation of the product value chain in an entire production system. It is therefore a planning tool for production expansion and diversification to satisfy end users’ needs. Although the poultry agribusiness subsector is exposed to biosecurity risks in the entire value chain, it has been analysed on segmented isolation which lacks an aggregate conceptual value of biodiversity risk factor in the production risk-benefit analysis of the subsector. This paper seeks to establish a conceptual direction for end user feedback in analysing biosecurity risks in the entire poultry agribusiness value chain.


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