
  • Dr Zoofishan Hayat
  • Dr. Muhammad Ahmad



Leader employment, creative leader, leadership transitions


Duringthecurrentperiodofeconomicrecovery,firmsareplacingmoreresponsibilityonhumanresource(HR)professionals to attract and select highly creative individuals who cancontribute to maintaining theircompetitiveedgeinthecompetitive landscape.Thisisparticularlyaccuratewhenitpertainstofindingandchoosing innovative organizationalleaders, as they are becoming progressively challenging to recruit andbringintoabusiness.Theresolution.HRprofessionalscancontemplatevarioustacticsforimprovingtheirorganization'sabilitytoattractcompetitiveinventiveleaders.Thisevaluationaddressesmanymethodologies for discerning and choosinginventive persons to join a business,encompassing optimalstrategies applicable to organizations of diverse scales and financial resources. The discussionrevolvesaround updated recruitment tactics, behavioral examinations, psychologically focused evaluations, andfocusedtransition management with a focus on innovation. Individuals or groups with a vested interest orinfluence in a particularproject, organization, or decision-making process. This article is pertinent to HRand HRD professionals who areinvolvedin establishing or implementing the recruiting and selectionstrategy in their firm. It will be particularly crucial for those
engaged in the recruitment of innovativeprofessionalsand leadersatthemid-to ahigh degree.

Author Biographies

Dr Zoofishan Hayat

University of the West of Scotland

Dr. Muhammad Ahmad

University of The West of Scotland


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