Adoption of e-CRM has been a recent strategy in the majority of business organizations, more particularly the developing countries, and, as such, managers have strategically invested in online technologies while emphasizing the building and maintaining of worthy linkages with profitable customers. This study aims at identifying the role of CRM in enhancing port performance in regard to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in MENA ports context. A quantitative research approach through use of questionnaire survey is used to answer the research questions and achieve the objectives of the study. Egyptian port customers and employees are used as the case study of the research for data collection, a total 403 valid questionnaires are collected form users of MENA ports, analysis and findings. Descriptive statistics is used to describe the findings and regression analysis used to describe and evaluate the relationship between the constructs. Finally, the results indicates that there is a positive relationship between E-CRM implication and port performance. Also, there is a positive relationship between E-CRM implication and customer satisfaction as well as customer loyalty. In addition, the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is positive and statistically significant. Therefore, both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have a positive impact on port performance as well. Moreover, the research gives recommendations for top managers and decision makers to be careful to avoid mistakes in electronic communication with customers, which enhances their confidence in this type of communication, and encourages them to use and benefit from it.
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