Company size, Corporate Social Responsibility, consumer goods Manufacturing Firms, NigeriaAbstract
manufacturing firms in Nigeria from 2010-2019. The main objective of this study was to investigate the interaction between company size and corporate social responsibility of consumer goods manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study will be to:(i) Ascertain the effect of Board size on CSR (ii) Investigate the effect of size of employees on CSR. Two research hypotheses were formulated to evaluate whether or not there is interaction between company size and corporate social responsibility of consumer goods manufacturing firms. The paper utilized secondary information in the form of panel data extracted from published annual reports and accounts of 12 randomly selected quoted firms in Nigeria Stock Exchange, The study adopted ex post facto research design in carrying out the research. SPSS Regression technique was used to obtain the empirical results. The results revealed that Board size had positive relationship with CSR of manufacturing firms in Nigeria (R= 0.004, P < 0.05). This showed that CSR does not depend on the board size. There was a positive relationship between size of employees and corporate social responsibility of manufacturing firms in Nigeria (R = 0.083, P < 0.05).This indicated that practicing of CSR will not affect employees size. Hence, company should liberalize CSR expenditure when sales is on the increase and be more conservative when sales are declining. The study therefore, recommended that the consumer goods manufacturing firms should continue to invest on CSR. Since it helps in promoting their firms’ image in long run.
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