Economic impact, covid 19, ceramic MSMEsAbstract
The Covid 19 pandemic which is increasingly widespread without adequate countermeasures in the handicraft sector, especially ceramics MSMEs, will gradually be eroded, resulting in business closure or switching to other businesses. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic impact and strategies for countermeasures the impact due to the spread of covid 19. The analysis used qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques. The results showed that: the existence of ceramic MSMEs in Bali decreased 59.72% due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Sampling of 20.69% using purposive sampling showed that the decline in the existence of ceramic MSMEs was also followed by a decrease in economic variables, which consisted of a decrease in: sales.
76.02%, cost of goods sold 75.77%, gross profit 77.22%, labor 13.33%, types of products 68.61%, customers 83.33%, raw material costs 83.64%, and materials helper 89.22%. The impact mitigation strategy is carried out by: sharpening the MSME database, assisting the improvement of MSME finances, implementing a zoom in pivot strategy, compiling an online marketing information system (Instagram, Tokopedia, and Facebook), and developing functional creative designs (hand sanitizer holders, oil burners, painted cups, and unique glazed mugs. Some of the efforts that were also made to survive the Covid 19 pandemic were: working on relevant orders, serving burning services, making ceramic raw materials suitable for use, making ceramic product samples, working on the rest of previous orders, and holding a ceramic bazaar.
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